We’re on to DragonAge: Inquisition!

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I couldn’t handle a mirror puzzle on the chase for Corypheus, so I decided to move to DragonAge: Inquisition – the most popular DragonAge game with a considerable number of fans. We’ll be using some mods to help, but otherwise, this is a fresh playthrough. I’m going two-handed warrior. Haven’t decided if I’ll do tank, DPS, or a combination of the two (probably a combination; there are a lot of tank-like companions in this game).

Currently, we’re exploring Haven and completing “The Hinterlands” zone, which everybody hates. Come and hang out on the live stream if you’re here. Better yet, follow or subscribe to join our Twitch community! That’s the only way you’ll be able to participate in the conversation.

Streaming resumes tonight at 10pm EST!


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