Welcome to PeculiarPastor.com!

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Introducing the Peculiar Pastor

In order to introduce myself to y’all (I went to schol in Kentucky, and I’m big on respecting someone’s gender identity), I’ll just go ahead and answer the questions I get the most.

  1. Are you really a pastor?
    • Yes. I pastor a local church in Cincinnati Ohio. I preach every Sunday, unless. I get sick. I particularly enjoy preaching from an academic perspective. I think that there need to be more Bible scholars in the pulpit.
  2. Wow! What are your credentials?
    • I received my Bachelor of Arts from Asbury University, my MDiv/MA in Biblical Studies from Asbury Theological Seminary, and my Masters of Arts in Jewish Studies (Languages) last May (2024).
  3. Do you have any professional goals other than pastoring?
    • Yes! I originally entered graduate education in biblical studies with the intention of getting a PhD in order to teach Bible at the collegiate level. However, I wasn’t the best of students, and my GPA kinda….well, was crap. So, I adjusted my career path. But I still want to teach someday! I haven’t given up on a doctorate yet.
  4. So how does streaming video games fit into the picture?
    • Well, there are many reasons why I call myself “peculiar”. In addition to being peculiar simply for playing video games in the first place (I’m 41), I am also an aspiring Bible scholar, a writer, a student, a teacher, and a bourbon, beer, and professional wrestling fan. I am also for the federal legalization of marijuana, as I believe it is a miracle drug and helps alleviate a lot of people of a lot of different types of pain. Why it hasn’t been legalized at the federal level is a mystery to me.
  5. What is your current streaming schedule?
    • My streaming schedule, which I change up on a fairly regular basis, can be found HERE.
  6. OK, so you obviously like video games. What types of video games do you like?
    • I “game” on PS5 and XBox Series X. I pay for their premium services, so I am able to stream from a laptop to Twitch/YouTube. My favorite type of games are, unquestionably, RPGs. I particularly like Bioware’s RPGs (all of them – but right now I am particularly taken with Dragon Age: Veilguard.
  7. Cool! What MMOs have you played that you enjoy?
    • Star Wars Galaxies, City of Heroes, The Matrix Online, Lord of the Rings Online, Elder Scrolls Online, and Star Wars: The Old Republic. Star Wars and Dragon Age are my favorite gaming franchises.
  8. But you don’t like Mass Effect?
    • I do, it’s just not my. favorite. Also, in my first playthrough of ME1, I mistakenly chose not to do the side missions. Consequently, it was virtually impossible to kill Seren. I quit once I realized that and haven’t picked it up since then, simply out of bitterness and frustration. LOL!
  9. Do you have a Discord server so that we can chat with you?
    • Yes! Please do consider joining my Discord server HERE.

Thanks for stopping by – I hope you come back to hang out!

You can reach me at “pastor at peculiarpastor dot com.”

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