
All Events take place simultaneously on Facebook, YouTube, Twitch.

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  • We’re on to DragonAge: Inquisition!

    I couldn’t handle a mirror puzzle on the chase for Corypheus, so I decided to move to DragonAge: Inquisition – the most popular DragonAge game with a considerable number of fans. We’ll be using some mods to help, but otherwise, this is a fresh playthrough. I’m going two-handed warrior. Haven’t decided if I’ll do tank,…

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What is the schedule?

Our streaming schedule is subject to change, but generally we stream on Twitch and YouTube on weekdays from 7pm to 10pm. See the Calendar of Streams above.

How often do you stream?

See the streaming schedule above, which I will try to keep current. Generally, streams will occur between the hours of 10pm-12am EST, but I also stream during the day when I have some downtime.

What games do you play?

I play a variety of different games, but on-stream I like to focus on my favorite genre, RPGs. I focus mainly on the classics, but will throw in a modern game from time to time!

Do you have a Discord server?

Yes! Please join our Discord server, “A Peculiar Flock”. Makes sense, right? Join here.

How can I contact you?

Please free to e-mail me at pastor[at]peculiarpastor[dot]com.

Do you have any other questions?

Send me an e-mail using the “address” to the left!

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